

Words fade to passing charm, and the day is no better then before. The world repeats again, the sun rises all the same. No further, no better. Will I return to be the dust under the feet of the loud? Will I sit under the shelter of nowhere? My sight clutches at the hope of light. My heart races for the paths of the free. Yet my feet falter. I look to my walk in the stead of my guide. I look to my echo in the place of his voice. Where do I fall and where do I climb? Do I waste the daylight? Has night already come?

Yet breath still lingers. Yet cold does not reach the bone. The fight is proof of peace. The unknown remains, however a glimmer cracks its grasp. Though mud slows and briar entangles I still tread. My journey holds cloud and fog but also life.

I seek to be forgotten. I seek to be known.

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