

Why do you ask me my name?  I know it least.

Ask of my brother.  He calls me Moon.  I am here and I am gone.  Bright and hidden.  When he needs my light, I may hide my face.  How have I failed you, brother?  I spill not my blood for you.  I shall eat your feast but flee your famine.  My brother gives me name.  But he does not know it.

Ask of my lover.  She calls me Sun.  I scorch and I burn.  I give her not rest.  A harsh tax I charge.  Praise me, your bright light, or feel my flames.  How do you bear me, dear one?  I cost and consume you to waste and wither.  My lover gives me name.  But she does not know it.

Ask of my son.  He calls me Star.  From a distance I gaze.  Silent and tall.  I give you no ear nor care to your pain.  Could I find you amidst the orphans, small one?  I have no hand to reach you.  My son gives me name.  But he does not know it.

Ask of my foe.  He calls me Cloud.  I am as nothing in test of substance.  Driven by wind, broken by mountain.  I hide and I flee.  Why wrack one who has no might of offense?  I assure the opposer lazy victory.  My foe gives me name.  But he does not know it.

Ask of my father.  He has scored my name upon his hand with my wicked tool.  He bears it to pierced and betrayed heart.  My name, my name.  With it I've mopped up the blood of my deeds.  Curséd and curser.  I have spent my name.  It wraps around my neck.  My name is at its end.  So my father gives me his.  My father gives me name.  He knows my name, oh may I know it too.

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