

The darkness of the here is warmed by the eternal distance. Boats of adventure and freedom are behind the closed portal. Enclosed above and before by green life, dark in its shadow. Friedrich longs for what is before. Sadness and hope entertwine. Beauty amidst shadow. Removal and distance, with a longing gentle air.

The decay of day ushers our mind to eternity. Repose without peace. Man’s craft before God’s. Cycles unending. And the plight of a soul. Upon the border. Stuck in the portal. Limited expanse. Concealed glory. 

Our gates to home. Ascending light as the artist wonders. Hide our wonder. In stone and mystery. Where do we tread? What is withheld? Do we bind the dead or are we bound from the height? Can the living understand the gateway? Walls shroud our sight.

Fear and wonder at play. A thrust down and a cast upward. The porthole to a golden dissolution. Our theater exhibited by three. Disdain, despair, and disport. Alien lands confound but concentrate our view. 

Limits. Verdant but confined. We are given a promise with no result. Unless we fall in and find a barque of dreams. What are you looking for? What is through the door? Does she call her beloved, son or lover? Does her slant give motion? Contrapposto to the vessel. Escape? Does she travel the seas with her mind, trapped in a gown of allure. 

The world without limits. Door ajar. Gates asplinter. Void. Black bands of fear. No ship transports our monk. Deathly rock, mystery before, God ascendant. The Expanse stretches Its arms. It smiles death. But He said, “Come.”

All paintings by Caspar David Friedrich

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